Thursday, November 23, 2006

Lessons Learned: Helping Students With Adhd

In between the field trips and recess on the playground, children in school hit the books, learn their multiplication tables and prepare for the science fair. For some, class is a time of exploration and discovery; but other children find themselves fidgeting in their classroom seat unable to focus, maintain attention or control their behavior. Oftentimes, these children do not recognize that their behavior causes problems in the classroom, nor do they understand why their parents are anxious or frustrated when they come home with disciplinary notes from their teachers.

For children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD, staying focused in class and during after-school activities can be a challenge. The symptoms of ADHD, namely inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity, may affect the child's behavior, performance in the classroom and ability to interact with friends and family members. If you have a child with ADHD in your family, you are not alone. You may find it startling, but ADHD affects approximately 7.8 percent of all school-aged children, or approximately 4.4 million children in the United States. In fact, ADHD is the most prevalent behavioral disorder in children and is one of the most diagnosed psychiatric disorder in children and adolescents.

Although awareness and understanding of ADHD and its impact have increased in recent years, many misconceptions surrounding the disorder remain. For example, some people recognize ADHD only by the symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity and associate the disorder with rambunctious boys. However, girls are also affected by ADHD and often display less outwardly visible symptoms such as inattention. Many of these girls with ADHD suffer in silence because parents and teachers may overlook their symptoms. If left untreated, the symptoms of ADHD may have a profound effect on a child's life, both inside and outside of the classroom setting.

Another common misconception is that ADHD only affects children, but it is important to note that ADHD is not only a childhood disorder. Rather, the disorder often persists into adulthood and may have potentially serious consequences, affecting relationships, work performance and driving. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, up to 65 percent of children with ADHD may still exhibit symptoms into adulthood. In fact, approximately 9 million adults in the United States struggle with the symptoms of ADHD.

Fortunately, there are many successful ways to manage ADHD. Children and adults with ADHD may respond well to treatment, which may include educational approaches, behavioral therapies and medication. If you suspect that you or someone you know may have ADHD, I urge you to seek an evaluation from a qualified physician and appropriate treatment. Therapeutic options include Adderall XR® (mixed salts of a single-entity amphetamine product), the most commonly prescribed ADHD medication, which is indicated for children, adolescents, and adults. Another treatment option is Daytrana™ (methylphenidate transdermal system), the first and only ADHD patch for children aged 6-12.

The symptoms of ADHD include inattention, impulsivity and distractibility. They can often affect a child's ability to concentrate in class and complete homework.

Note to Editor: About Adderall XR

Tell your doctor about any heart conditions, including structural abnormalities, that you, your child, or a family member, may have. Inform your doctor immediately if you or your child develop symptoms that suggest heart problems, such as chest pain or fainting.

Adderall XR should not be taken by patients who have advanced disease of the blood vessels (arteriosclerosis); symptomatic heart disease; moderate to severe high blood pressure; overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism); known allergy or unusual reactions to drugs called sympathomimetic amines (for example, pseudoephedrine); seizures; glaucoma; a history of problems with alcohol or drugs; agitated states; taken a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) within the last 14 days.

Tell your doctor before using Adderall XR if you or your child are being treated for or have symptoms of depression (sadness, worthlessness, or hopelessness) or bipolar disorder; have abnormal thought or visions, hear abnormal sounds, or have been diagnosed with psychosis; have had seizures or abnormal EEGs; have or have had high blood pressure; exhibit aggressive behavior or hostility. Tell your doctor immediately if any of these conditions or symptoms develop while using Adderall XR.

Abuse of amphetamines may lead to dependence. Misuse of amphetamine may cause sudden death and serious cardiovascular adverse events. These events have also been reported rarely with amphetamine use.

Adderall XR was generally well tolerated in clinical studies. The most common side effects in studies included: children -decreased appetite, difficulty falling asleep, stomachache, and emotional lability; adolescents-loss of appetite, difficulty falling asleep, stomachache, and weight loss; adults-dry mouth, loss of appetite, difficulty falling asleep, headache, and weight loss. Aggression, new abnormal thoughts/behaviors, mania, growth suppression, worsening of motion or verbal tics and Tourette's syndrome have been associated with use of drugs of this type. Tell your doctor if you or your child have blurred vision while taking Adderall XR.

About Daytrana

Tell your doctor about any heart conditions, including structural abnormalities, your child or a family member may have. Inform your doctor immediately if the child develops symptoms that suggest heart problems, such as chest pain or fainting.

Daytrana should not be used if the child has: significant anxiety, tension, or agitation; allergies to methylphenidate or other ingredients of Daytrana; glaucoma; discontinued in the last 14 days or is taking a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI); tics, or family history or diagnosis of Tourette's syndrome.

Tell your doctor before using Daytrana if the child: is being treated for or has symptoms of depression (e.g. sadness, worthlessness, or hopelessness) or bipolar disorder; has family history of tics; has abnormal thoughts or visions, hears abnormal sounds, or has been diagnosed with psychosis; has had seizures or abnormal EEGs; has or has had high blood pressure; exhibits aggressive behavior or hostility. Tell your doctor immediately if the child develops any of these conditions/symptoms while using Daytrana.

Daytrana was generally well tolerated in clinical studies. The most common side effects reported with Daytrana were decreased appetite, sleeplessness, sadness/crying, twitching, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, tics, and affect lability (mood swings). Aggression, new abnormal thoughts/behaviors, mania, and growth suppression have been associated with use of drugs of this type. Tell your doctor if the child has blurred vision while using Daytrana.

Abuse of Daytrana can lead to dependence.

Daytrana should be applied daily to clean, dry skin, which is free of any cuts or irritation. Skin irritation or allergic skin rash may occur.

By: Stacey Moore

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Tips To Help Your Diet Stick

Millions of people across the country are dieting right now. In fact, 20 percent of Americans are undergoing some weight-loss regimen, with many more watching what they eat without using any particular dieting program.

Unfortunately, those diets don't always work. Hunger often trumps women's otherwise steadfast dedication to making healthy eating choices. Research reveals that weight-conscious women's eating habits can swing drastically from good to bad, across the day and throughout the week.

"Nearly all women go through ups and downs each day with their eating plans," said Harley Pasternak, MSc, fitness and nutrition specialist and author of the books "5-Factor Fitness" and the upcoming "5-Factor Diet." "With hectic lives, we want easy, simple solutions that taste great, take the guesswork out of healthy eating and can help in our moments of weakness without it feeling like a sacrifice."

Here are some tips to help you stick to your goals:

• Be active. Incorporate fitness and you'll see encouraging results even faster.

• Don't skip meals. It will be too easy to go off your plan if you make yourself go hungry. Consider Special K Protein Meal Bars.

• Drink lots of water. It will help fill you up, cleanse your system and digest your food properly. Some products, such as Special K2O Protein Waters, offer five grams of protein per bottle, which appeals to dieters.

• While every dieter has different needs, use common sense to maximize your results with healthier eating habits.

• Be aware of appropriate portion sizes.

• Use cooking techniques that don't add extra fat, such as grilling, baking and broiling.

• Don't skip snacks to save calories-they are critical to your success by keeping your metabolism burning throughout the day. Carry Special K Protein Snack Bars to help you stay on track.

Protein-enhanced products from Special K are available in diet and nutrition aisles of grocery and drug stores.

By: Stacey Moore

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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Some Easy Home Remedies For Curing Anorexia, Digestion Disorders

In simple terms, loss of appetite in a person is termed as Anorexia. Under this disorder, you suffer from improper digestion and other common diseases that lead to further deterioration of your health. Anorexia occurs due to improper functioning of the stomach. This happens as a result of poor secretion of gastric juices, that are very important for the completion of the digestion process.

With changing lifestyles, anorexia has taken the shape of a common problem in the people's life. And the youngsters and some early-aged adults are the one's who are the most affected of all. Due to pressure of work and studies, eating habits have worsened, giving more grounds to the disorder of anorexia.

A person suffering from anorexia generally does not feel like eating and also suffers from insomnia, which is a condition of insufficient sleep. The causes of this disorder are many. Of them the most common are your faulty diet plans and no physical work at all. Apart from this, the ever increasing hectic work schedule, stress and tension are bound to rise, making you more prone to anorexia.

So to do away with this disorder, you should follow a good diet chart that includes every nutritious food and avoid taking unnecessary stress and tension. For, proper cleansing of your digestive tract is the only solution to free yourself from anorexia. Regular exercising also helps a great deal in curing anorexia.

Besides these, there are various home remedies to cure anorexia. These are quite easy to practice.

1. Ginger: Ginger has certain elements that help you regain your lost appetite. So including a good amount of ginger can help you to come out of your disorder.

2. Lime: It is also one of the valuable remedies for anorexia as it helps you in restoring your normal appetite. Lime mixed with ginger proves very effective in this.

3. Oranges: Oranges help to stimulate the production of various digestive juices in the stomach and thus improves your whole digestive system. The outcome is clearly an increased appetite.

4. Garlic: Garlic has a direct impact on your whole digestive system and thus increases your appetite.

The other treatments that are used to cure anorexia are warm water enema and application of ice bags on your stomach. You should always avoid taking excess of alcohol and refrain from smoking, as these are the agents that increase your chances of suffering from anorexia.

By: Javier Fuller

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To read more articles on home remedies, natural remedies and constipation remedies visit

Choose The Right Oil To Fight Thyroid Disease

The thyroid gland is one of the larger endocrine glands in the body. It is a double-lobed structure located in the neck and produces hormones, principally thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). These hormones regulate the rate of metabolism and affect the growth and rate of function of many other systems in the body. Hyperthyroidism (over-active thyroid) and hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid) are the most common problems of the thyroid gland

Many thyroid patients experience symptoms such as cold hands and feet, low body temperature, headaches and migraines, dry skin, hair loss, slow heart rate, joint aches, constipation, fatigue, and weight gain. Thyroid disease can affect almost every aspect of health, so understanding more about your thyroid, and the symptoms that occur when something goes wrong with this small gland, can help you regain your health.

Many dietary oils can negatively affect thyroid health. We cook with them almost every day and they are plentiful in commercially prepared foods. It is possible they are among the worst offenders when it comes to the thyroid gland malfunctioning. These dietary oils are the vegetable oils which are polyunsaturated oils. The most common source of these oils used in commercially prepared foods is the soybean. Soybean has been proven to slow thyroid functions.

It must be stressed that coconut oil is not a thyroid cure by itself. However, it can help people with low thyroid function because it stimulates metabolism and boosts energy. Coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids which is a different type of fat. Also known as medium chain triglycerides, medium chain fatty acids are known to increase metabolism and promote weight loss. It can raise basal body temperatures while increasing metabolism. Used in combination with other factors, coconut oil has the potential to greatly improve thyroid system function. Coconut oil has helped many people end their dependence on thyroid medication.

Protect your immune system and nourish your health with virgin coconut oil, Go to:

By: John Goh

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Free Yourself Of Acid Reflux Drug Addiction!

Recent statistics from the US Department of Health and Human Services suggest that over seven million people suffer from severe acid reflux in the U.S. alone. It is estimated that over fifteen million Americans suffer from chronic heartburn, as well.The incidence of acid reflux is greater in people over the age of forty, but it can affect anyone, even infants. Acid reflux affects people of every age, socioeconomic class and race. Simply put, acid reflux occurs when stomach acid splashes up through the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) into the esophagus and throat. This reflux of acid can be the result of many things including diet, alcohol consumption, smoking, hiatal hernia, stress and even pregnancy. When this refluxed acid hits the tender lining of the esophagus, it causes a painful burning sensation in the chest and, or throat. Other symptoms include difficulty in swallowing (dysphagia), hoarseness, asthma and dental erosion. If left untreated, this condition can evolve into more severe and life threatening diseases like Barrett’s Esophagus, which is a precursor cancer. In an attempt to avoid the more serious consequences of acid reflux, people are resorting more and more to pharmaceutical drugs.There are three classifications of drugs which treat and acid reflux. The first of these are antacids, which neutralize the acid in your stomach and are at best only a temporary fix. They are loaded with harmful ingredients such as sodium and aluminum. The next group of drugs is called H2 Blockers. They reduce the amount of acid that the stomach produces and provide longer lasting relief than antacids. Finally there are the PPI drugs (proton pump inhibitors), which shut off the proton pumps in the stomach that manufacture hydrochloric acid. PPI drugs should only be used for eight weeks, at most. It says so right on the package. Doctors certainly know this but allow if not encourage most patients to continue taking these drugs on a permanent basis. PPI drugs actually shut down the pumps that produce the stomach acid necessary to digest and assimilate food. This is an essential function of our physical anatomy. Another point of concern is that stomach acid keeps very dangerous bacteria, which live in the stomach and intestines, in check. There are, unfortunately, no studies that can determine the long term effects of these drugs. We do, however, know what the potential harmful side effects are and there are hundreds of them. They include: allergic reaction, back and chest pain, fatigue, fever, flu-like disorder, hypertension, constipation, GI hemorrhage, vomiting, tinnitus, anemia, vitamin B12 deficiency, weight gain, arthritis, fibromyalgia syndrome, anorexia, depression, dizziness, impotence, insomnia, migraine, visual field defect, menstrual disorder, asthma aggravated, pharyngitis, acne, taste loss, fungal infection and Barrett’s esophagus – just to mention a few!The medical community would have us believe that drugs are the only answer to the problem of acid reflux. Doctors are not taught nutrition or natural healing techniques in med school. As a result they depend on prescription drugs to treat the symptoms of acid reflux disease. They unfortunately know nothing about how to cure the condition itself. PPI drugs are very big business. Annual global sales for PPI drugs alone reached well over six billion dollars in 2002. One can only guess what those statistics are today. One can only imagine the extent of the damage these drugs are causing people all over the world.I am happy to say that we are not limited to pharmaceuticals in order to rid ourselves of the acid reflux condition. There are many alternative techniques and procedures which can be employed to accomplish that end. As a veteran of the acid reflux drug battle, I am living proof that one can heal themselves of acid reflux by using what I call natural medicine.When I found out that my doctor had exhausted all possibilities of helping me, outside of the PPI drug regime, I knew that I was on my on. I had to heal myself. To my surprise, through research and study, I found that curing acid reflux disease is really quite simple. With a few modest changes in lifestyle and with the help of several natural remedies, one can absolutely win the battle against acid reflux without the use of drugs.There are many natural ingredients found in any health store, which can help during the acid reflux recovery period. Herbs, such as marshmallow, slippery elm and bladderwrack have wonderful healing properties. Aloe vera, licorice and natural honey can sooth the esophagus and assist in the healing process. Chewing gum between meals actually neutralizes stomach acid.There are many simple things which contribute to the acid reflux condition which most people overlook; insufficient water consumption is one of them. Eating too rapidly and chewing food improperly is another. Eating smaller, more frequent meals is helpful. Substituting Kukicha Twig tea for coffee makes the body more alkaline. Have fruit, like bananas and melons instead of cereal for breakfast. Snacks of walnuts, almonds and more fruit will keep you going throughout the day. At dinner eat lightly and at least two hours before retiring. You certainly don’t have to starve yourself, but try to stay away from those acid reflux “trigger” foods.It does take a new approach to life, in general, to heal a stubborn acid reflux condition. Think of it as an exciting challenge. You will feel so much better and your health will improve. It will have been worth the effort.In a society where convenience sometimes takes precedence over common sense, pills have taken the place of ancient healing techniques and natural therapies. Drugs taken on a regular basis can be more dangerous than the illness itself. Take command of your health and use natural resources to free yourself of those acid reflux drugs.© 2006 Wind PublishingFor free recipes, articles and information, visit:
By: Charles Stewart Richey
Article Directory:
Charles Stewart Richey is a self-educated expert on how to cure acid reflux disease by natural means. He has written an extensive report entitled, REFLUX GONE FOREVER, Natural Acid Reflux Remedies.

Free Yourself Of Acid Reflux Drug Addiction!

Recent statistics from the US Department of Health and Human Services suggest that over seven million people suffer from severe acid reflux in the U.S. alone. It is estimated that over fifteen million Americans suffer from chronic heartburn, as well.The incidence of acid reflux is greater in people over the age of forty, but it can affect anyone, even infants. Acid reflux affects people of every age, socioeconomic class and race. Simply put, acid reflux occurs when stomach acid splashes up through the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) into the esophagus and throat. This reflux of acid can be the result of many things including diet, alcohol consumption, smoking, hiatal hernia, stress and even pregnancy. When this refluxed acid hits the tender lining of the esophagus, it causes a painful burning sensation in the chest and, or throat. Other symptoms include difficulty in swallowing (dysphagia), hoarseness, asthma and dental erosion. If left untreated, this condition can evolve into more severe and life threatening diseases like Barrett’s Esophagus, which is a precursor cancer. In an attempt to avoid the more serious consequences of acid reflux, people are resorting more and more to pharmaceutical drugs.There are three classifications of drugs which treat and acid reflux. The first of these are antacids, which neutralize the acid in your stomach and are at best only a temporary fix. They are loaded with harmful ingredients such as sodium and aluminum. The next group of drugs is called H2 Blockers. They reduce the amount of acid that the stomach produces and provide longer lasting relief than antacids. Finally there are the PPI drugs (proton pump inhibitors), which shut off the proton pumps in the stomach that manufacture hydrochloric acid. PPI drugs should only be used for eight weeks, at most. It says so right on the package. Doctors certainly know this but allow if not encourage most patients to continue taking these drugs on a permanent basis. PPI drugs actually shut down the pumps that produce the stomach acid necessary to digest and assimilate food. This is an essential function of our physical anatomy. Another point of concern is that stomach acid keeps very dangerous bacteria, which live in the stomach and intestines, in check. There are, unfortunately, no studies that can determine the long term effects of these drugs. We do, however, know what the potential harmful side effects are and there are hundreds of them. They include: allergic reaction, back and chest pain, fatigue, fever, flu-like disorder, hypertension, constipation, GI hemorrhage, vomiting, tinnitus, anemia, vitamin B12 deficiency, weight gain, arthritis, fibromyalgia syndrome, anorexia, depression, dizziness, impotence, insomnia, migraine, visual field defect, menstrual disorder, asthma aggravated, pharyngitis, acne, taste loss, fungal infection and Barrett’s esophagus – just to mention a few!The medical community would have us believe that drugs are the only answer to the problem of acid reflux. Doctors are not taught nutrition or natural healing techniques in med school. As a result they depend on prescription drugs to treat the symptoms of acid reflux disease. They unfortunately know nothing about how to cure the condition itself. PPI drugs are very big business. Annual global sales for PPI drugs alone reached well over six billion dollars in 2002. One can only guess what those statistics are today. One can only imagine the extent of the damage these drugs are causing people all over the world.I am happy to say that we are not limited to pharmaceuticals in order to rid ourselves of the acid reflux condition. There are many alternative techniques and procedures which can be employed to accomplish that end. As a veteran of the acid reflux drug battle, I am living proof that one can heal themselves of acid reflux by using what I call natural medicine.When I found out that my doctor had exhausted all possibilities of helping me, outside of the PPI drug regime, I knew that I was on my on. I had to heal myself. To my surprise, through research and study, I found that curing acid reflux disease is really quite simple. With a few modest changes in lifestyle and with the help of several natural remedies, one can absolutely win the battle against acid reflux without the use of drugs.There are many natural ingredients found in any health store, which can help during the acid reflux recovery period. Herbs, such as marshmallow, slippery elm and bladderwrack have wonderful healing properties. Aloe vera, licorice and natural honey can sooth the esophagus and assist in the healing process. Chewing gum between meals actually neutralizes stomach acid.There are many simple things which contribute to the acid reflux condition which most people overlook; insufficient water consumption is one of them. Eating too rapidly and chewing food improperly is another. Eating smaller, more frequent meals is helpful. Substituting Kukicha Twig tea for coffee makes the body more alkaline. Have fruit, like bananas and melons instead of cereal for breakfast. Snacks of walnuts, almonds and more fruit will keep you going throughout the day. At dinner eat lightly and at least two hours before retiring. You certainly don’t have to starve yourself, but try to stay away from those acid reflux “trigger” foods.It does take a new approach to life, in general, to heal a stubborn acid reflux condition. Think of it as an exciting challenge. You will feel so much better and your health will improve. It will have been worth the effort.In a society where convenience sometimes takes precedence over common sense, pills have taken the place of ancient healing techniques and natural therapies. Drugs taken on a regular basis can be more dangerous than the illness itself. Take command of your health and use natural resources to free yourself of those acid reflux drugs.© 2006 Wind PublishingFor free recipes, articles and information, visit:
By: Charles Stewart Richey
Article Directory:
Charles Stewart Richey is a self-educated expert on how to cure acid reflux disease by natural means. He has written an extensive report entitled, REFLUX GONE FOREVER, Natural Acid Reflux Remedies.

Free Yourself Of Acid Reflux Drug Addiction!

Recent statistics from the US Department of Health and Human Services suggest that over seven million people suffer from severe acid reflux in the U.S. alone. It is estimated that over fifteen million Americans suffer from chronic heartburn, as well.The incidence of acid reflux is greater in people over the age of forty, but it can affect anyone, even infants. Acid reflux affects people of every age, socioeconomic class and race. Simply put, acid reflux occurs when stomach acid splashes up through the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) into the esophagus and throat. This reflux of acid can be the result of many things including diet, alcohol consumption, smoking, hiatal hernia, stress and even pregnancy. When this refluxed acid hits the tender lining of the esophagus, it causes a painful burning sensation in the chest and, or throat. Other symptoms include difficulty in swallowing (dysphagia), hoarseness, asthma and dental erosion. If left untreated, this condition can evolve into more severe and life threatening diseases like Barrett’s Esophagus, which is a precursor cancer. In an attempt to avoid the more serious consequences of acid reflux, people are resorting more and more to pharmaceutical drugs.There are three classifications of drugs which treat and acid reflux. The first of these are antacids, which neutralize the acid in your stomach and are at best only a temporary fix. They are loaded with harmful ingredients such as sodium and aluminum. The next group of drugs is called H2 Blockers. They reduce the amount of acid that the stomach produces and provide longer lasting relief than antacids. Finally there are the PPI drugs (proton pump inhibitors), which shut off the proton pumps in the stomach that manufacture hydrochloric acid. PPI drugs should only be used for eight weeks, at most. It says so right on the package. Doctors certainly know this but allow if not encourage most patients to continue taking these drugs on a permanent basis. PPI drugs actually shut down the pumps that produce the stomach acid necessary to digest and assimilate food. This is an essential function of our physical anatomy. Another point of concern is that stomach acid keeps very dangerous bacteria, which live in the stomach and intestines, in check. There are, unfortunately, no studies that can determine the long term effects of these drugs. We do, however, know what the potential harmful side effects are and there are hundreds of them. They include: allergic reaction, back and chest pain, fatigue, fever, flu-like disorder, hypertension, constipation, GI hemorrhage, vomiting, tinnitus, anemia, vitamin B12 deficiency, weight gain, arthritis, fibromyalgia syndrome, anorexia, depression, dizziness, impotence, insomnia, migraine, visual field defect, menstrual disorder, asthma aggravated, pharyngitis, acne, taste loss, fungal infection and Barrett’s esophagus – just to mention a few!The medical community would have us believe that drugs are the only answer to the problem of acid reflux. Doctors are not taught nutrition or natural healing techniques in med school. As a result they depend on prescription drugs to treat the symptoms of acid reflux disease. They unfortunately know nothing about how to cure the condition itself. PPI drugs are very big business. Annual global sales for PPI drugs alone reached well over six billion dollars in 2002. One can only guess what those statistics are today. One can only imagine the extent of the damage these drugs are causing people all over the world.I am happy to say that we are not limited to pharmaceuticals in order to rid ourselves of the acid reflux condition. There are many alternative techniques and procedures which can be employed to accomplish that end. As a veteran of the acid reflux drug battle, I am living proof that one can heal themselves of acid reflux by using what I call natural medicine.When I found out that my doctor had exhausted all possibilities of helping me, outside of the PPI drug regime, I knew that I was on my on. I had to heal myself. To my surprise, through research and study, I found that curing acid reflux disease is really quite simple. With a few modest changes in lifestyle and with the help of several natural remedies, one can absolutely win the battle against acid reflux without the use of drugs.There are many natural ingredients found in any health store, which can help during the acid reflux recovery period. Herbs, such as marshmallow, slippery elm and bladderwrack have wonderful healing properties. Aloe vera, licorice and natural honey can sooth the esophagus and assist in the healing process. Chewing gum between meals actually neutralizes stomach acid.There are many simple things which contribute to the acid reflux condition which most people overlook; insufficient water consumption is one of them. Eating too rapidly and chewing food improperly is another. Eating smaller, more frequent meals is helpful. Substituting Kukicha Twig tea for coffee makes the body more alkaline. Have fruit, like bananas and melons instead of cereal for breakfast. Snacks of walnuts, almonds and more fruit will keep you going throughout the day. At dinner eat lightly and at least two hours before retiring. You certainly don’t have to starve yourself, but try to stay away from those acid reflux “trigger” foods.It does take a new approach to life, in general, to heal a stubborn acid reflux condition. Think of it as an exciting challenge. You will feel so much better and your health will improve. It will have been worth the effort.In a society where convenience sometimes takes precedence over common sense, pills have taken the place of ancient healing techniques and natural therapies. Drugs taken on a regular basis can be more dangerous than the illness itself. Take command of your health and use natural resources to free yourself of those acid reflux drugs.© 2006 Wind PublishingFor free recipes, articles and information, visit:
By: Charles Stewart Richey
Article Directory:
Charles Stewart Richey is a self-educated expert on how to cure acid reflux disease by natural means. He has written an extensive report entitled, REFLUX GONE FOREVER, Natural Acid Reflux Remedies.

Natural Remedies - My Story

Natural remedies sometimes get a bad rap from doctors and other health professionals. Certainly some of them are over-hyped and without much value. But then there is a lot of hype about traditional and accepted remedies and medicines, and many are eventually found to do as much harm as good. Most natural remedies or medicines rarely hurt people as much as prescription drugs. This is one reason to at least consider them. The fact that many of them are not only safe to try, but inexpensive as well is another reason. Here is one I can vouch for from experience.Curing A Skin GrowthI had a lump on the side of my nose many years back. It was growing slowly, and bleeding at times. After about seven years or so, I asked a doctor about it. He wasn't sure if it was potentially cancerous or pre-cancerous, and he recommended seeing a specialist. That sounded expensive, so I looked in a book of alternative medicines instead.First I read about a cream called cura-derm, made from an extract from a plant called Devil's Apple. Skin cancers were regularly being cured with this. It seemed to be not only extremely effective, but safe as well.Unfortunately, the only company selling it in the U.S. was shut down by the the regulatory agencies. Notice how doctors can kill thousands with risky medical procedures, but if an "unapproved" treatment causes so much as a skin rash it must be outlawed? I found an address of a company in England that would ship the cream here for $49, but they too were out of business by the time I tried to reach them.Then I read somewhere that tee tree oil might work. I went to the health-food store and bought a one-ounce bottle for $6 (100% pure oil). I applied just a drop to the lump each morning. Soon the lump was getting smaller. I continued the treatment. After having this growth for many years, it took just six weeks and six dollars to be completely rid of it.Could it be a coincidence? Maybe, if it was a one-time thing. Later in life I had another growth on my neck. Unfortunately, I couldn't remember what I had used the first time, so I did nothing for years. Then I found my old notes on tea tree oil. I used it again on this growth, which was even larger than the first one. Again it was gone in about six weeks.Should You Try Natural Remedies?I have used many natural remedies and herbal medicines that are very effective. I have also tried many that didn't work. However, if I add up the cost of all the effective and useless ones, it barely equals the cost of one visit to a doctor. As for the effective ones, well, no doctor yet has introduced me to one of them. You just have to do your own research, and look to the alternative press, to get information on alternative medicines.Are natural remedies dangerous? I have never had a bad reaction to any "alternative" medicine, but everything we do has risks. Have you ever listened to the list of side effects that they put on commercials for prescription drugs? My impression is that in general, natural treatments are safer than most new prescription drugs.Of course there is a risk in treating a problem with a medicine that may not work, while not getting a more traditional treatment that may work despite its side effects. Of course, in my own case, after having the skin growth for many years, a few weeks of natural treatment didn't mean I couldn't go to a specialist later if it didn't work. You are allowed to use your common sense in your own medical decisions, despite what some doctors would say.If we always wait until treatments are "proven" by science, it can be a long wait. Who will do the science? A drug company can't recoup the millions spent to get a natural medicine "approved" by the FDA, because they cannot patent it. In any case, when there are safe and cheap things to try, why wait? If French explorers of this continent had waited for proof of Vitamin C before taking the cedar tea the natives offered, they would have all died of scurvy hundreds of years before science caught up with this natural remedy.
By: Steve Gillman
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Take Lauric Acid For A Strong Immune System

Many health experts have promoted breastfeeding instead of feeding milk formula to babies. Today, many people know that mother’s milk is more beneficial to babies and children than any other milk. However, many people do not know the following two astonishing facts. Mother's milk contains a higher percentage of cholesterol than almost any other food. More than 50% of the calories in mother’s milk are fats, and much of these fats are saturated fats. Both cholesterol and saturated fat are essential for growth in babies and children, especially the development of the brain and nervous system.The main ingredient of saturated fat in human breast milk is lauric acid. Lauric plays an important role in nourishing and protecting babies. Lauric acid is a medium-chain fatty acid (MCFA), which has the additional beneficial function of being transformed into a substance called "monolaurin" in the human body. Monolaurin is an antibacterial, antiviral and antiprotozoal substance used by the human body to destroy lipid-coated viruses such as HIV, herpes, influenza, various pathogenic bacteria and protozoa such as giardia lamblia. This is why lauric acid is the fundamental building block of our bodies immune system and the most effective anti-pathogenic of all MCFAs.Many companies now market dietary supplements containing monolaurin due to its amazing health benefits. Clinics have started using monolaurin supplements to actively treat patients with considerable success. HIV-infected patients using these supplements have seen massive improvement in their health. Healthy people also use such supplements. Top athletes take monolaurin supplements to manage their weight and improve their sporting performance.The best and richest natural sources of lauric acid are coconuts and coconut oil. Approximately 50% of the fatty acids in coconut fat are lauric acid. Currently, researchers are experimenting with way to increase the amount of lauric acid available in our foods. However, you can improve your health right away. By simply changing your cooking oil to coconut oil, you can enjoy the benefits of lauric acid without the hassle of swallowing pills. Lauric acid can kill various lipid-coated viruses such as HIV, measles, herpes, influenza and Hepatitis C etc. It also kills various lipid-coated bacteria. Helicobacter pylori, a bacteria that causes digestive illnesses like gastritis and peptic ulcer disease, is no match for lauric acid. While lauric acid kills lipid-coated bacteria, it leaves the friendly intestinal bacteria alone. Lauric acid also kills candida and other fungi in the intestinal tract. Therefore, lauric acid is truly effective in supporting a healthy intestinal environment.Mother’s milk was designed to supply all the nutrients a baby needs for the first year of life. It contains vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats for optimal growth and development. The important component in mother’s milk is medium chain fatty acids, principally lauric acid. Adults can get the benefits of mother’s milk by taking coconut oil which is rich in lauric acid.Protect your immune system and nourish your health with virgin coconut oil, Go to:
By: John Goh
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Essential Oils - Dos And Dont's Of Buying And Storage

Essential oils are extremely precious and should be treated with respect - they can also be very expensive. They are damaged by ultraviolet light and deteriorate more rapidly at the blue end of the spectrum than the red. Therefore, essential oils should be stored in amber-coloured bottles (if you do keep your essential oils in blue bottles then they should be kept in the dark - this is less important if your bottles are brown). Never decant the oils into clear glass or plastic bottles. They should never be placed in direct sunlight, so avoid sunny windowsills or shelves on radiators - no matter how attractive the bottles look! Essential oils do not like extremes of temperatures. They are highly volatile which means that they evaporate rapidly. Always replace the caps immediately and ensure that the topS are tightly closed when the oils are not in use.Pure essential oils will last for approximately three years from the bottling date. In excellent storage conditions (i.e. amber bottles in a cool place with no air space) they will keep for about five years. Citrus oils tend to have a shorter shelf-life due to their high proportion of terpenes, as do absolutes and resins which thicken even more with age and the smell of the solvent becomes more noticeable.Once essential oils have been diluted in a carrier oil, the shelf-life reduces dramatically. For maximum benefit use freshly made-up blends. A blend will keep for about three to six months if it is stored in an amber-coloured bottle in a cool place away from sunlight. If wheatgerm oil is added then the shelf-life is approximately six to nine months. If the smell alters and the vegetable oil becomes rancid then you should definitely discard it.DOs AND DON'Ts OF BUYING AND STORAGE1. Clear glass or plastic bottles do not contain pure essential oils. Always buy oils in amber-coloured bottles.2. How old are the essential oils? When were they bottled?3. Are the oils in direct sunlight?4. Are the essential oils all the same price? If they are, then you are definitely not purchasing pure essential oils. For instance, pure essential oil of rose will be far more expensive then lavender or rosemary.5. Have the essential oils been diluted with any carrier oils? If so, when were they blended?6. Have the essential oils been adulterated with synthetic materials or bulking agents?7. Does the aromatherapy trader deal mostly with the perfume and food industries? Always look for an aromatherapy specialist.8. Does your supplier know about the essential oils?9. If blends are being sold, is there a qualified aromatherapist on the staff?10. Has the supplier been recommended to you?11. How long has the aromatherapy firm been established?12. Essential oils should always be kept away from young children. If they are taken internally some essential oils can be highly dangerous.13. Never leave bottled pure essential oils standing on plastic, polished or painted surfaces which can be damaged by the chemical constituents.14. Always store essential oils away from the naked flame.15. Store essential oils away from your homoeopathic medications which may be antidoted by the more powerful aromas.
By: Michael Douglas
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For more information on aromatherapy, essential oils, carrier oils... please visit

Aromatherapy Herbs For Healing

Aromatherapy is a form of herbal medicine. It uses the scents in essential oils distilled from herbs, flowers and trees to improve health and vitality. Used properly, it can re-energize and rejuvenate the mind, body and spirit. Aromatherapy comes in many forms. It can be used as oils, candles, lotions and soaps. How Is The Scented Oil Extracted From The Plants?Many herbs are used in the production of essential oils and waters for aromatherapy. Essential oils are the aromatic compounds found in the herb. They are extracted by distillation. There are different methods of this but they are all basically the same. The herbs are put into water which is heated until it produces steam. This releases and then carries chemicals, including the aromatic compounds. The steam is then chilled in a condenser and the material left behind is collected. Oils (which will become the Essential Oil) floats to the top of the distilled water and may be scooped off. The distilled water part is called hydrosol. If you want to buy a herb or flower 'water' the best kind is a hydrosol as this is the by-product of aromatic distillation. Many 'waters' are essential oils added to water or alcohol and are not as good as true hydrosols. Treat Aromatherapy With Respect!Many people think that because the scented oils have 'only come from plants' that they can use as much as they like. Essential oils are very concentrated and are usually measured in drops. Strength wise - one drop would equal the volume amount of two cups. Ingesting one ounce of essential oil could prove fatal. Unless you are a skilled aromatherapist, it's best to use essential oils only on the skin. Always mix the drops of oil with a 'carrier' like sweet almond oil. Undiluted essential oil can burn the skin. How Can Anything From Plants Be So Powerful?Our pharmacology has developed from herbal medicine. Many medications in use today are still derived from plants. There are more than 250,000 known plant species and yet less than 1% of them have been thoroughly tested for use in medicine. A quarter of our prescription medications are derived from this tiny 1%. The list includes morphine, atropine, ephedrine, warfarin, aspirin, digoxin, taxol, hyoscine - so plants are pretty powerful and care should be taken. Isn't it amazing to think what other helpful medications are out there and as yet undiscovered! Growing Herbs For AromatherapyA large area of crops is needed to grow herbs for aromatherapy purposes. This is because when calculated on the weight of fresh herbs distilled, plants only yield between 0.01% and 2% of essential oil. So a lot needs to be grown and distilled to produce reasonable amounts of oil. To produce essential oils, the requirements are the plants, good soil (often organic), irrigation, reasonable shelter from harsh weather, harvesting and distillation equipment. Hints And Tips On Essential Oils1. Always read and heed advice on the labels on essential oils. 2. Keep them out of the sight and reach of children.3. Never put essential oils near the eyes.4. Always dilute with carrier oil before putting on the skin - or it will burn! 5. Essential oils are for external application only. Don't ever ingest them. 6. As with any new skin preparation, test the oil first. Dilute a drop of essential oil with carrier oil and apply to the skin on your inner arm. If there is any irritation, discontinue its use. 7. Many herbs should be avoided by pregnant women and by people suffering some health conditions. Always check before use.
By: Rebecca Prescott
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The Never Ending Treasure Of Home Remedies

Most of the Allopathic treatment options are very costly and often result in dire consequences due to side effects. In such a situation home remedies offer you safe and cost effective options of treatment. Although emergency situations can't be handled through options available at home, certain problems including minor diseases could be well treated with the help of home remedies.For example, complications like blood pressure and digestive disorders have numerous home remedies. A blood pressure patient by adjusting his/her diet can successfully control over the malady. Dietary restrictions in consonance with certain herbs can in fact cure blood pressure permanently without giving way to any side effects.Obesity and high cholesterol problems also have natural remedies that could be availed at home. Most of these natural medications are normal ingredients of your diet and are available in your kitchen. Skin related problems like acne and eczema could be effectively remedied through certain herbs and products that are normally found in a kitchen.Most important advantage of these home remedies is no side effect. As a result more and more people are inclining towards home remedial options for minor disorders. Also, there are certain grave complications that are better controlled by home remedial options than allopathic medications. For example high level of cholesterol could be controlled by dietary measures and herbs in a much safer way than synthetic medications.Constipation too has home remedies. Raisins and apple juice could be used to treat constipation. Oat milk and mulberry are other home solutions to constipation.Home remedial options also offer solution to depression and anxiety. Similarly joints pain or arthritis could be cured effectively by home treatment. A mixture of honey and lemon juice is applied on joints to ease out arthritis pain. Even a hot turmeric paste could be applied on joints for the same.So home remedies has an unending list. You can seek the one that is within your reach. Nevertheless, you should never forget to learn the anticipated impact of using any of these natural products. Better, make a list of home remedial options to treat diseases so that you could use these remedies on time.
By: Javier Fuller
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Copper Bracelets & Health - Their Amazing Health Benefits Revealed!

Copper bracelets were common in ancient societies and have amazing health benefits that you can benefit from. If you think wearing a simple copper bracelet can’t help you remain healthy – think again!Archeologists have been unearthing copper jewelry for now over 200 years and yet so little has been said about them. Why were they worn? Why are they universal (seen in all ancient societies, even Island ones)? What do they do for the wearer? All these questions are answered and more below. The fact is copper bracelets have a direct medicinaleffect on the human body.Copper Bracelets and HistoryWorn by Pharaohs, Indian Rajas, Chinese Emperors, Persian Kings, Alexander the Great, and so many others, the copper bracelet has had more than just a cosmetic purpose. In fact, it cannot compare even to brass (which is copper and zinc), let along Gold or Silver. Why has copper bracelets been so popular then?Copper has been used by every civilization that had access to it as a medicine and preventative. The history of civilization is also the history of the use of copper. The bracelets have literally been worn in every major civilization.What Does a Copper Bracelet Do?In a study done in the Mayo Clinic (Bratton et al., 2002) it was found that in general (over 75%) of all people with arthritic and rheumatoid arthritic pains found the symptoms decrease and sometimes disappear by the simple wearing of a pure copper bracelet. It is no secret that copper is a most excellent conductor of electricity, and besides that, the skin is as much an entry point in the body as a barrier. Micro doses of copper enter the body and bolster the immune system, and as it’s on the skin, it enters as and when needed (not as in dietary copper). The copper bracelet seems also to emit elemental and molecular vibrations and other physical phenomena such as a corona effect of the ends of the bracelet. These vibratory emissions appear to convey some medicinal benefit. In the case of body pains due to some rheumatoid arthritic condition, it appears to be very effective indeed.Other Benefits of Wearing a Copper Bracelet.There are several other benefits gained by the wearing of a copper bracelet, allowing absorption directly from the skin. They are:• Copper binds to enzymes and aid the formation of hemoglobin in erythrocytes, help form collagen for wound healing, and otherwise improve the body's functioning.• Copper can be absorbed differentially by infectious microorganisms and thereby poison them (such as Staphylococcus aureus bacteria), • Copper is known to optimize the use of iron and zinc in the immune system.• The absorption of copper through the skin can correct hidden copper deficiency can help optimize the body's resistance to disease.• Copper competes with toxic minerals for absorption and physiological use, thus reducing their harmful impact and making them more likely to be eliminated.• Copper has shown that in certain anemic and sick individuals, there is a trans-dermal feeding response that conveys a powerful tonic and immuno-protective effect.Side Effects of Wearing A Copper BraceletIt is true that wearing a copper bracelet can discolor the skin as the blue-green copper deposits there. However, this discoloration can be washed away with soap and water over the course of a day or two, and there is no evidence that it harms the skin. Otherwise, there are generally no side effects (except positive and desired ones) in the wearing of a copper bracelet..
By: Sacha Tarkovsky
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Make Way For Alternative Health Care Research

In the past few decades, alternative medicine is starting to make its claim on the medical world. Some may consider it to be a pseudo-science, but nevertheless, alternative medicine is practiced quite widely. In fact, alternative medicine practitioners are doing their own scientific researches to prove that their practice could be at par with conventional medicine.The research is not a matter of which is better among the two; instead, it focuses more on how to give the people more treatment options. Through the years, more and more consumers are looking for natural treatments, which are as effective but do not have as much side effects as traditional treatments. Of course, part of their reason to prefer alternative medicine is economical. Consumers can save a lot on alternative medicine.As more alternative health care researches are made available, more conventional doctors are starting to integrate their practice with some alternative methods. Both alternative health care and otherwise researches demonstrate somewhat the same results when it comes to identifying the cause of the ailments.Alternative medicine also plays a major role to proper health care. They strive to provide curative treatments for common disorders, such as diabetes and arthritis. Like traditional medicines, they are an integral contributor the scientific world.In fact, several licensed alternative medical schools are brewing up. They also follow defined and comprehensive curriculums, complete with several studies and researches to scientifically back up their data. They’ve done their own researches and conducted their own studies, not to oppose what conventional medical schools, have done, but to complement them instead.One reason why alternative health care research is gaining much popularity these days is the fact that alternative medicine could not do any harm when implemented correctly. When alternative medicine is combined with conventional medicine, overall risks are reduced and possibly will make the patient heal at a faster rate.Alternative medicine is usually associated with some religious or spiritual beliefs. Though it could be true in some of the therapies, it is not entirely proper to generally refer to alternative medicine as such. It is just basically taking in natural supplements instead of drowning oneself with synthetic drugs. The philosophy is to make the patient more in-tune with the body and nature.Currently, though alternative medicine is still not widely accepted, especially in the Western culture, it is good to note that it is gaining supporters quickly. Most conventional medicine practitioners do not find any problem in suggesting alternative treatments alongside their prescriptions. Unfortunately, there are still several critics who do not place any confidence in alternative practices. It could be because of the lack of scientific studies made to prove the effectiveness of alternative health care. By definition, these practices are referred as alternative practices precisely because of their lack of scientific proof. The moment more scientific health care researches are made on them, they’d no longer be alternative forms but another conventional treatments.There is one major hindrance in conducting these researches on alternative treatments though. Because these treatments usually just aim to make the patient feel better about himself and be self-aware, science finds it hard to arrive at a complete solution. Also, alternative medicine elicit slight changes over longer periods of time which makes it difficult to achieve a more definitive scientific research, because the positive results could just be due to the placebo effect or natural healing.
By: Robert Palmer
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Disability Commissions: Where Disabled Are Heard And Cared For

State is dutybound to protect the rights of its citizens and promote their welfare ensuring that on no occasion they are discriminated against for anything adverse that happens to them without their having played any role in it. Disability is one such thing that happens to people and they are many a time considered to be unequals for reasons other than merit and ability. So long as a person can perform his work as well as anyone else, he or she should not be discriminated against simply because he suffers from some kind of impairment. In order to carry out its social responsibility towards the disabled effectively, the governments all over have established the institutions, generally called 'commissions', to look after the welfare of the disabled and ensure that they are not discriminated against in any way.A disabled person may approach these body in case he or she needs any information or advice regarding anything that adversely affects him or his interests directly or indirectly. The body also provides all the assistance that the education providers for the disabled need.Not just that, if a disabled has been discriminated against, he can take his grievance to these bodies and they'll take every step necessary to secure justice for the person in accordance with the Disability Discrimination Act.It evaluates the problems of the disabled and if the current set of rules or policies are generally viewed by the disabled as disadvantageous to them, the body takes a serious note of it and conveys the position to the government. It makes independent suggestions to the government with respect to the operation of the disability laws and whether or not any changes in it are desirable. In order to reach any such conclusion it conducts extensive researches into the ground realities that affect and afflict the disabled in real life.From time to time, it launches campaigns aimed at spreading awareness regarding the disability and the disabled. This not only makes the people more sensitive to the needs of the disabled and what effects them but also makes the disabled feel cared and needed.In case a disabled is wronged, his case is taken up by the body and the guilty are brought to justice. Therefore, such commissions are not just the welfare bodies like so many NGOs, but also have real teeth that can be used, if and when the need arises.
By: Javier Fuller
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How Can I Relieve Stress And Anxiety Naturally?

First we must examine what exactly stress is and what happens to the body during stress. Stress is something everyone experiences every day and a natural part of life. The body responds to stress by releasing adrenaline and corticosterone giving you the so called “Fight-or-Flight” response, this occurs automatically. Your adrenal glands produce these hormones which include cortisol, adrenaline, and corticosterone which give you an energy boost to fight or run away. These hormones boost energy, increase awareness and focus which happen whether it’s a physical threat or emotional stress. Some stress in life is good for us. Stress helps keep us focused while there is an emergency; however, it’s chronic stress that causes a problem. When stress becomes chronic, elevated stress hormones can be a problem. These stress hormones effect inflammation, immune system response, and metabolism. When our bodies are continually stressed these hormones are continually high and can affect the nervous system causing anxiety and depression, suppress the immune system which can lead to sickness or disease, or effect the digestive function causing over eating and weight gain. Although we don’t want to turn off the stress mechanism, we don’t want to remain in a state of constant stress. (1-3)There is hope, Holy basil is an herb found in India used for more 3000 years for medicinal purposes. Holy basil is a member of the mint family. Closely related to the sweet basil we cook with. Holy basil is native to tropical regions of Asia and can now be found throughout the tropical parts of the world. Holy basil is a strong antioxidant that demonstrates antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. (4-6) Holy basil has been used to treat everything from the common cold to bronchitis and even fever. Holy basil has been used as a digestive aid and can be good for ulcers. Let’s examine how modern science has taken a closer look at this herb. In the past ten years scientific studies have focused on the benefits of holy basil consumed orally. These studies have revealed great promise and suggesting holy basil may indeed provide effective relief of those previously mentioned customary uses. Studies have even suggested that holy basil can be taken with radiation therapy to help fight side effects, and even good for diabetes. (4,5,7-9) Holy basil’s greatest potential is in the area of stress relief and relaxation. Holy basil is an adaptogen, enhancing the body’s ability to cope with physical and emotional stress. Adaptogenic herbs help the body function at optimal levels during stress with out effecting mood. Several studies examining holy basil have found this amazing herb to lower corticosterone levels. Lowering corticosterone can improve mental clarity and memory and help reduce age related mental disorders. 10 Lets look further to see how this actually works. Holy basil has various compounds that provide health benefits. Such as, eugenol and caryophyllene which are aromatic compounds that are pleasing fragrant scents said to boost mood and spirit. Studies suggest that eugenol helps combat stress and enhance mental clarity. Triterpenoic acid an isolate of holy basil has been shown to improve the body’s response to stress. Several studies have examined the anti-stress effects of the different components of holy basil. When isolated and examined individually, the eugenol and caryophyllene significantly reduced the corticosterone level and helped the body cope with stress, elevate mood and improve mental clarity. (12-14) If you are looking for a good brand of holy basil, look for a product that is standardized to the active ingredients eugenol, caryophyllene and triterpenoic acid, in the form of ursolic and oleanolic acid. These components differ significantly in their chemical structure, different extraction methods are needed to get the most beneficial components out of holy basil. There are three extraction methods that are most common, steam distillation, alcohol extraction, and super critical (CO2) extraction. Steam distillation breaks down plant tissue and pulls out the essential oils and key components released into the steam and collected when cooled. Alcohol extraction is a bit more complex and the most frequently used form of extraction. The plant is complete dissolved and distilled for purification. Then alcohol is applied to remove the insoluble plant constituents, and then the solution is distilled to remove the alcohol leaving only the active components. Finally, supercritical extraction has become popular, where carbon dioxide (CO2) under extreme pressure to removed the active components of the herb. This process is executed at low temperature which preserves the components ensuring that the components aren’t damaged by high temperature. High temperatures can alter or damage the components of holy basil and this is why CO2 extraction is becoming more popular. Stress can be triggered at any time in life both physical stress and mental stress. Over time the negative effects of stress can affect our health through our immune system, digestion, or nervous system. Figuring out what is causing stress in life and working to eliminate this stress can ultimately bring healing to your body, holy basil can help aid in the process by reducing the stress hormones and help in recovery for quick relieve of your daily woes.References:1. Dallman MF, Pecoraro N, Akana SF, La Fleur SE, Gomez F, Houshyar H, Bell ME, Bhatnagar S, Laugero KD, Manalo S. Chronic stress and obesity: a new view of "comfort food". Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Sep 30;100(20):11696-701.2. Sapolsky R. Stress, Glucocorticoids, and Damage to the Nervous System: The Current State of Confusion. Stress. 1996 ;1:1-19.3. Elenkov IJ, Chrousos GP. Stress hormones, proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines, and autoimmunity. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2002 Jun;966:290-303.4. Gupta SK, Prakash J, Srivastava S. Validation of traditional claim of Tulsi, Ocimum sanctum Linn. as a medicinal plant. Indian J Exp Biol. 2002 Jul;40(7):765-73.5. Uma Devi P. Radioprotective, anticarcinogenic and antioxidant properties of the Indian holy basil, Ocimum sanctum (Tulasi). Indian J Exp Biol. 2001 Mar;39(3):185-90.6. Geeta, Vasudevan DM, Kedlaya R, Deepa S, Ballal M. Activity of Ocimum sanctum (the traditional Indian medicinal plant) against the enteric pathogens. Indian J Med Sci. 2001 Aug;55(8):434-8, 472.7. Prakash J, Gupta SK. Chemopreventive activity of Ocimum sanctum seed oil. J Ethnopharmacol. 2000 Sep;72(1-2):29-34.8. Vrinda B, Uma Devi P. Radiation protection of human lymphocyte chromosomes in vitro by orientin and vicenin. Mutat Res. 2001 Nov 15;498(1-2):39-46.9. Agrawal P, Rai V, Singh RB. Randomized placebo-controlled, single blind trial of holy basil leaves in patients with noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 1996 Sep;34(9):406-9.10. Montaron MF, Drapeau E, Dupret D, Kitchener P, Aurousseau C, Le Moal M, Piazza PV, Abrous DN. Lifelong corticosterone level determines age-related decline in neurogenesis and memory. Neurobiol Aging. 2005 Jun 10.11. Sembulingam K, Sembulingam P, Namasivayam A. Effect of Ocimum sanctum Linn on the changes in central cholinergic system induced by acute noise stress. J Ethnopharmacol. 2005 Jan 15;96(3):477-82.12. Sembulingam K, Sembulingam P, Namasivayam A. Effect of Ocimum sanctum Linn on noise induced changes in plasma corticosterone level. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol. 1997 Oct;41(4):429-30.13. Archana R, Namasivayam A. Effect of Ocimum sanctum on noise induced changes in neutrophil functions. J Ethnopharmacol. 2000 Nov;73(1-2):81-5.14. Sen P, Maiti PC, Puri S, Ray A, Audulov NA, Valdman AV. Mechanism of antistress activity of Ocimum sanctum Linn, eugenol and Tinospora malabarica in experimental animals. Indian J Exp Biol. 1992 Jul;30(7):592-6.
By: Robert Palmer
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Steam Sauna Bath And Safety Tips

Are sauna rooms or steam sauna baths -- a feature at many hotels and resorts, spas, on cruise ships and at some airports -- the ultimate for relaxing? Or are they merely a gimmick to entice travelers into an establishment?Can saunas really help you lose weight, cleanse your body of toxins, rejuvenate your skin and help you overcome jet lag as aficionados claim? Or, more important, are saunas hazardous to your health?Saunas have been around for a long time; for hundreds of years in Finland, which has more saunas than automobiles. There are so many saunas that all Finns can get into a sauna at the same time. However, only recently have physicians and scientists studied saunas.High TemperaturesBasically, a sauna is a wood-lined room with a wood-burning or electric stove that heats the room to high temperatures.The only reason the temperature -- up to 200 degrees Fahrenheit -- is bearable is that humidity is kept to a minimum, often below 10%. In a steam bath, for comparison, you feel uncomfortable even when the temperature reaches 120 degrees.The heat of the sauna increases skin temperature to higher than the body-core temperature. This increases blood circulation, especially to the skin, and increases sweating.After a short while in the sauna, your body temperature also rises and your heart starts to work harder. Generally, because of increased blood flow to the skin, blood pressure does not rise.For healthy adults a sauna is no hazard. A normal heart easily can take the strain of the extra blood flow.Experts AdviseBut experts advise that sauna baths should not be taken immediately after strenuous exercise, when many sauna connoisseurs prefer to take their sauna.The effects of exercise and heat are cumulative. Therefore the combination will place even more strain on a heart. This could be a problem for even a healthy person. Wait at least half an hour after exercise before taking a sauna. Also, avoid saunas immediately after heavy meals.Generally, your time in a sauna should be limited to 10 to 15 minutes, especially the first few times. And if the temperature can be controlled, set it at about 160 degrees. Leave hotter temperatures for future baths.If there are tiers to sit or lie on, stay on the lowest tier. Heat rises.Also, the common Finnish habit of a roll in the snow or a cold bath immediately after the sauna is only for experienced and veteran sauna bathers.Dizzy FeelingIf you find the sauna uncomfortable -- if you feel dizzy, get a headache or find it difficult to breathe -- leave the sauna. There is no truth to the adage that you must experience these symptoms to overcome them.Check with your physician before going into a sauna, if you have heart or lung problems, diabetes, are elderly or are pregnant. Also, check with your physician if you are on medication.And don't go into a sauna if you have been drinking. Alcohol affects your judgment, of course, but it also can increase blood flow to your skin and raise your temperature further.Another precaution is to take a sauna bath with another person, just as you should not swim alone. In the unlikely situation that you become incapacitated by the heat, you may need help. Also, there will be someone to wake you in case you fall asleep.Saunas May Cause SleepSaunas can bring on sleep. This is the reason they are recommended as the ideal refresher after a hard day's travel, especially in overcoming jet lag.But how about other health claims made for saunas?Many Eastern European and Soviet physicians believe -- and claim they have studies to back them -- that saunas are beneficial for arthritis, rheumatism and a host of other conditions. Most Western experts doubt these claims, but admit they never studied them.No authority claims that saunas help in weight reduction. True, after you come out of a sauna, you may weigh a pound or two less, but that's due to your having lost fluid. Your body will retain the next few glasses of liquid you drink, so you will regain the weight.Possibly, the heat from sauna does make your skin appear healthier.
By: Heather Schinglenecker
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For a convenient way to have your luxurious steam sauna in the comfort of your own home or office, you've got to see the updated Aromasteam, now available in the U.S. here: Aromasteam Steam Saunas.

Helichrysum Essential Oil - A Magic Bullet For Treating Sports Injuries?

Helichrysum Essential Oil - A Magic Bullet for Sports Injuries, Bruises and Tissue Repair: A Primer for Active Health and Fitness Readers.'Aromatherapy' has become an extremely misleading term in America; the position of 'Aromatherapist' was ranked as one of the top 100 'BS' up-and-coming new jobs recently on CNN - and most folks think 'Aroma'-therapy is all about smelling something pretty so you can feel better. Much of the rest of the 'civilized' world relies on plants, and their essential oils, as effective medicines for a wide varieties of medical conditions. Aside from the fact that many studies have shown that simply smelling natural aromatic oils can improve test scores, improve your mood and improve your sleep, there is a LOT more to aromatherapy than just good scents - and here we'll have a look at a very practical side of using essential oils - the speeding of healing of strains, sprains and sports injuries with Helichrysum essential oil.At it's basis, aromatherapy deals with the use of volatile aromatic compounds naturally produced by the majority of plant species on earth. The difference in the chemical makeup of these 'essential oils' varies tremendously, and so does the biological effect of each class of natural aromatic compound. Many are known as strongly anti-bacterial or anti-viral, others stimulate tissue regeneration, others will reduce inflammation, some are analgesic (pain relieving), while still others enhance circulation (and the list goes on!). The individual chemical makeup of the essential oil from each plant give that oil it's healing characteristics. The makeup of one particular essential oil, that distilled from the flowers of Helichrysum Italicum, includes a very synergistic combination of compounds that are known to be anti-hematomatic (active against blood clots), tissue regenerative, free-radical scavenging (anti-oxidant), and anti-inflammatory.Before approaching it's possible effects of Helichrysum essential oil on sprains, strains and other sports injuries, let's look at the root of these painful conditions. Take, for example, a an ankle twisted in a basketball game - what has happened physiologically? Connective tissues (tendons and ligaments) have been stretched beyond their normal lengths; these tissue have suffered 'micro tears', which is damage to the actual structure of the cells of the connective tissue. Some of these cells are so damaged that they die, and need to be re-grown. There is often additional swelling and bruising involved, which is generally the leaking of blood from damaged capillaries into intracellular space. This results in a loss of blood supply to surrounding cells, and blockage of nutrients, oxygen, and waste products moving to and from those cells. This in fact, leads to cellular damage beyond the primary injury of the connective tissue cells. More cell death occurs here, not only directly from the loss of nutrient/waste exchange for these cells, but also due to an increase in oxidative radical activity. The greater the amount of 'secondary' injury which occurs lengthens the time to recovery - here, one can see why applying ice to an injury soon after it occurs can speed healing - it reduces the amount of blood that clots (bruises) in an area, and lowers the metabolic activity (and oxidative radical production) in cells with a loss of nutrient supply - therefore, less secondary cell damage and death accompanies the primary injury.Enter the activity of Helichrysum essential oil. It has a high percentage of anti-inflammatory sesquiterpene hydrocarbons - this compound acts by dissipating free radicals. The oil's other major components include neryl acetate, a monoterpenoid ester with distinct, relaxing effects that can reduce tension of the tissues in the area of the injury. The third major component are the regenerative di-ketones, found in significant quantities only in Helichrysum oil. "The pain- reducing, analgesic, and regenerative effect of everlasting (Helichrysum) is unique: If applied in time, it prevents hemorrhaging. It is also very effective for joint pain..." - Dr. Kurt Schnaubelt, Advanced Aromatherapy.In 'Medical Aromatherapy', Dr. Schnaubelt indicates that the effects of many essential oils cannot be explained completely by the actions of their individual components - many oils' effects are greater than the sum of their parts. The synergy of the components in Helichrysum produces a particularly sensational healing result. A recent user of the oil, who had been a professional triathlete, then cyclist, then 'casual' marathon runner, was having chronic pain in an achilles tendon. Overuse - and perhaps a stiff clutch on an old car - lead him to believe that despite excellent fitness, he wound not be able to take part in an upcoming major marathon. The injury hurt every time he ran; he had been a proponent of alternative therapies for many years, with some success using DMSO for tendon-related inflammation. He had not found DMSO (often used on racehorses for similar injuries) to be as effective on chronic injuries as acute ones, and this achilles issue was no different - nothing was helping fast enough where he knew he could make the race. For the first time, he gave Helichrysum essential oil a try, applying undiluted (Helichrysum is very well tolerated this way) to the area twice daily. Within two days, he was running without pain, and ran a personal best at the marathon event.In this instance, the application of Helichrysum reduced pain (and likely inflammation as well) in the area, and supported regeneration of the damaged tendon tissues. The essential oil should prove just as effective with acute injuries as well - it's noted ability to reduce the clotting of blood, along with it's anti-inflammatory and tissue regenerative properties give it a seemingly complete natural arsenal to speed healing in most common sport-related injuries. In fact, this could extend to a very wide variety of trauma injuries, though great care should be taken to use as an adjunct to proper allopathic medical care in such cases.Helichrysum is a somewhat rare and costly oil. It has been noted in the literature that only pure essential oil of Helichrysum italicum flowers will have this combination of effects. If you decide to try the oil for yourself, be sure of your source, and that the species is correct (there are other Helichrysum varieties, look for ones known as 'Everlasting' or 'Immortelle' - these are synonyms for the 'italicum' variety). For minor injuries, apply a thin film directly to the area one or more times a day. The oil will absorb directly into the skin, and does not cause any reaction or sensitivity for most individuals. The oil can be applied directly for more serious injuries as well, though this should be done only in conjunction with professional medical care. Continue to apply until no longer needed - application to broken tissue is fine, and in fact the oil has been used to speed skin healing and reduce scar formation. A base oil may also be used - Helichrysum combines well with Hazelnut and Rosehip seed oils, and can be diluted down to 5% of the total solution and still be effective. In any case, be aware of how your body is responding, and consult a medical professional whenever there is any question about your healing program.
By: Misty Rae Cech, ND -
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How To Repair Metabolic Damage

If you've lost weight too rapidly or if you've followed a very low calorie "starvation diet" in the past, then you may have damaged your metabolism. Once this occurs, it can become extremely difficult to achieve any further loss of body fat at all. If you've ever experienced a "weight loss plateau" where the scale won't budge, even when it seems like you're working hard and doing everything right, then you know exactly what I'm talking about. The good news is, metabolic damage can be "repaired." All it takes is the right combination of metabolism-stimulating exercise and metabolism-stimulating nutrition (NOT just a "diet"), all done consistently over timeThe big irony is that most of the diet programs that claim to help you get rid of excess weight, only end up making it harder for you in the long run because they use harsh metabolism-decreasing diets and not enough exercise (almost never any weight training).It may take a little longer if you've been a "diet dummy" and you've really messed things up with severe starvation dieting, (especially if you've lost a lot of lean body mass), but it's never hopeless. Anyone can increase their metabolism.Most people get an almost immediate boost in metabolic rate when they make a few important changes to their eating and exercise routines. However, the results are not going to be "overnight." Give it a little time...Within 3 weeks your metabolism will already be more efficient. Within 6-8 weeks, it's burning hot. Give me 12 weeks of consistent diligent effort, sticking with all the metabolism boosting strategies I teach, and your metabolism will become like a turbo charged engine, and I'm not exaggerating when I say that.What's most important for upping your metabolism is CONSISTENCY in applying the nutrition and training principles every single day.That includes:• Meal frequency: eat 5-6 small meals per day• Meal timing: eat approximately every 3 hours, with a substantial breakfast and a substantial post workout meal.• Sufficient Caloric Intake: maintain a small calorie deficit and avoid starvation-level diets (suggested safe levels for fat loss: 2100-2500 calories per day for men, 1400-1800 calories per day for women; adjust as needed)• Food choices: Select natural, unprocessed foods with high thermic effect (lean proteins like chicken, turkey, egg whites and fish are highly thermic, as are all green vegetables, salad vegetables and other fibrous carbs)• Cardio training: Push up the intensity a bit if you really want to get a metabolic boost. Walking and low intensity cardio is fine, but higher intensity is more metabolism-stimulating• Weight training: The basic exercises that include the largest muscle groups or even call into play the entire body as a unit (squats, split squats, deadlifts, stiff legged deadlifts, overhead presses, rows and full body core exercises) will have a much greater metabolism-stimulating effect than isolation exercises (concentration curls, crunches, calf raises, etc)The weight training is extremely important in cases of "metabolic damage" because this is the stimulus to keep the muscle you have and begin rebuilding new muscle tissue, which is the engine that drives your metabolic rate.The men don't usually have a problem with the weight training, but I still hear women say they don't want to lift weights as part of their fat loss programs. Well, people who wont lift weights can expect a very, very long metabolism "repair process" if they achieve it at all.Consistency is the key.Nothing will undermine the "re-building" of your metabolism like inconsistency. If you stop and start, or skip meals and workouts often, you will not even get off the ground.After your metabolism is back up where it should be, it takes continued "stoking" of the metabolic furnace to keep it there. Once you get your metabolic engine running, you've got to keep feeding it fuel or the fire will die down.Picture an old fashioned wood burning stove...Imagine you're in a cabin up in the mountains in the winter. It's cold in there and you want to keep the cabin warm. Can you achieve this by feeding the fire once or twice per day? Nope. Not enough fuel to burn, so not much heat is generated.What if you just toss an entire pile of wood in the stove all at once? Will that work? Nope. Lots of fuel, but can't all be used at once... it just smothers the fire and the excess just sits there.How about if you throw some tissue paper or crumpled newspaper in the stove, will that work? Nope - too quickly burning.You have to keep putting small amounts of wood (the right type of fuel) on the fire at regular intervals or the fire burns out.It's also difficult to get the fire lit again. In the case of metabolism, it's like going through those initial few weeks of overcoming inertia all over again.Your goal is to get your metabolism burning hot and keep it burning and this cannot be achieved by missing meals, missing workouts or with sporadic, infrequent training.I have only seen a handful of cases where all these things were done properly and there was still a longer "repair" process.For example, one case was former ballet dancer. At 5' 5", she was previously 110 lbs and had increased to about 145 or so. She didn't want to reach her previous 110, but find a happy medium of about 125 lbs.I figured with 20 lbs to cut, this would be a simple and predictable process, but she had a challenging time (and I didn't know why at first).I later found out that she had been anorexic and bulimic for many years. This had caused a lot of damage, and although she did reach her goal, it took about twice as long as we had anticipated.The good news is, even in this extreme case, the same nutrition and training principles worked! It just took a little longer. And by the way, her program included some serious training with free weights and she ate a lot more (clean) food than she had ever eaten before. No "starvation!"Trying to starve the fat with crash diets is what causes metabolic damage in the first place! You have to Burn The Fat And Feed Your Muscles!
By: Tom Venuto
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Can You Cure Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux is regurgitation of acidic contents from the stomach into the esophagus. Reflux is prevented by the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) which remains tightly closed and opens when peristaltic waves herald the imminent arrival of swallowed food. When the LES becomes incompetent acid reflux will result.So can you control your acid reflux? If it is due to true LES incompetence, then there is no cure. You will need maintenance treatment with acid suppressants like omeprazole, or if very severe or you develop secondary problems then fundoplication will relieve your symptoms.There are, however, various factors that can affect the efficiency of the LES and acid reflux. Consider eliminating these factors that may impact on GERD before seeing your doctor or taking over the counter acid suppressants. Sometimes all you need is a change of lifestyle.Obesity can cause or contribute to acid reflux. This is especially so in the apple type distribution of weight. The extra weight increases bulk in the upper abdomen and makes it difficult for the esophagus to discharge food effectively into the stomach. In addition obese individuals are prone to developing hiatus hernias. A hiatus hernia can weaken the LES. Losing weight is an important aspect of acid reflux treatment.Wearing tight fitting clothes can cause acid reflux especially if it is two sizes too small. The increased pressure in the stomach may force acid back up into the esophagus. Wear loose clothes and your reflux symptoms will go away.Large volume of food in the stomach will put pressure on the LES and can trigger acid reflux. It has happened to us all at some time or other. The large volume also reduces gastric clearance time allowing more opportunity for reflux. Eating smaller portions more frequently will counter this problem.Certain foods can affect GERD. Cow's milk protein intolerance can cause esophagitis. It is called Allergic Eosinophilic Esophagitis. This is controlled by removing cow's milk protein from the diet. Other foods that can affect the LES include fats, coffee, tea, alcohol, and some spices.Some drugs can affect the LES and cause acid reflux. These drugs include broncho-dilators such as theophylline, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), tri-cyclic antidepressants ie amitriptylline and drugs for Parkinson's disease.Female hormones can affect acid reflux. In a Scandinavian Study, women on hormones had increased risk of GERD. These drugs include the contraceptive pill and hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Sedatives and tranquillisers can slow down peristaltic waves in the esophagus affecting clearance of food from the esophagus.If you are on medication and you have GERD, opt for liquid medication. Certain drugs ie tetracycline are corrosive to the esophageal lining. Tablets and capsules (gelcaps) can lodge in the esophagus. Always drink a glass of water after medication to wash it down into the stomach. Avoid taking medication while lying down. GERD patients should always take medication sitting up or standing and avoid lying down immediately after.Smoking relaxes the LES and nicotine is corrosive to esophageal lining. Stop smoking and your GERD might improve.Certain exercises can increase the risk of GERD. This is the case in competitive weightlifting and cycling. Joggers can develop acid reflux symptoms.If you have acid reflux symptoms, look at all the potential risk factors and eliminate them. If by doing so, your symptoms disappear, you have actually cured your acid reflux. However, if the symptoms persist, the next step is a visit to your doctor.
By: Dr Phil Hariram
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How To Find A Competent Washington State Personal Injury Attorney For Your Personal Injury Case

Are you a resident of washington state and searching for a personal injury attorney to assist you with your personal injury claim? Well if you are, here are a few factors to consider that will help you choose a good personal injury attorney to bring your claim to court.One of the first things you would have to look at is, if at all someone is to blame for the sequence of events that led to your personal injury. You would also want to find out the dollar amount you can realistically expect if you win. All of these questions will be answered at a consulting session with at least two attorneys.Let the attorneys give you a rough calculation of how much they think you'll receive. Make your own estimate at around three-fourths on the lowest calculation.Once you have a general estimate of how much you're likely to get, you would be able to know if its worth going to court for. Your personal injury attorneys will also be able to give you advice on that although the final decision lies with you.Once you have made the decision to pursue the case further you should then start looking around for a Washington State personal injury attorney that will best prsent you case in court.If your personal injury is very serious, then the fee should not be an object, because your well-being is the most important thing. Fortunately many washington State personal injury attorneys recognise that their clients may not be in a position to pay them straight away. Hence they are prepared to wait until the case is won.So what you then do next is to do a search of all Washington State personal injury attorneys. Compile a list of criteria that they have to meet and put the ones who meet your criteria on a separate list. The criteria can be about what they specialize in as well as whether they charge a fee upfront. If your case is about car accidents you may want to look for attorneys that specialize in the area of car accident personal injury.After you have done this exercise you would have a list of personal injury attorneys who are all potential candidates for your intended case. The next thing to do is to start contacting all the Washington State personal attorneys on your list. Call them one by one and schedule appointments with each one. Only after you have seen all of them should you make a decision as to who you should pick. Don't let anyone put pressure on you to pick a specific attorney. Choose someone that you believe will represent you in the best possible way.
By: Jimmy Roos

New Relief From Mouth Sores

There's good news for the 60 million Americans who regularly suffer from common mouth ulcers such as canker sores, denture sores and sores resulting from braces or from biting their lips or cheeks.Researchers at the University of Washington School of Dentistry say a new oral patch is the first over-the-counter (OTC) medication clinically proven to speed the healing process and relieve the pain of mouth sores, including sores from braces. The study was funded by a grant from the National Institutes of Health."In clinical trials, one group used Cankermelts about eight hours per day and another group had no treatment. After three days of using the oral patch, 81 percent of people in the treatment group had no more base pain, twice the number of people who had no treatment," said Michael Martin, DMD, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Oral Medicine, University of Washington. "And after seven days, canker sores treated with the oral patch shrank to one-tenth their original size while untreated canker sores grew larger."In a prior study published in Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology (OOOOE), April 2005, 26 out of 27 canker sores (96 percent) that were treated with Cankermelts for at least 16 hours per day, including while sleeping, healed in three days or less. Canker sores are not viral or contagious. The primary causes are:1) genetic predisposition2) psychological stress3) cuts in the mouth such as those caused by accidental bites or braces4) diet, which may also be a factor for some people, though specific triggering foods have not been identified.Traditional OTC treatments include mouth rinses and oral gels with medicine to numb the sore or form a protective film over it. While these treatments provide temporary pain relief, they may be difficult to use, leave you unpleasantly numb and offer no actual healing."I have suffered from canker sores all my musical life and, literally, they get in the way of my music playing," says Grammy Award-winning woodwind artist Nancy Rumbel. "As a professional musician, I cannot tolerate the canker sore pain and healing time. Now that I regularly use Cankermelts, I am happy to say that I no longer suffer from canker sores, and neither does my music playing. I would never be without them either on the road or at home. All wind instrument musicians who get canker sores need to know about Cankermelts." The medication, developed by Orahealth Corporation, contains Glycyrrhiza (licorice root) extract, a natural ingredient that has anti-inflammatory properties and is known to reduce pain without numbing. Beginning as a traditional medicine in ancient Asia, licorice root extract has a long and established history as a treatment for a variety of ulcers.In addition to the active ingredient being a natural herbal extract, the other ingredients are natural food gums and potassium, so the product is all natural. Because the ingredients are released from the patch slowly over time, the flavor is mild and is described as like sweet coffee. It does not taste like licorice candy, which contains anise.The product's patented delivery system lets the medicated disc adhere inside the mouth, protecting the ulcer and delivering medication where it's needed with time release. The patch provides pain relief (without numbing) in as little as five to 10 minutes and naturally dissolves over two to six hours. It does not adhere too strongly, so it can easily be removed at any time.The patch can also be applied directly to orthodontic braces, protecting the sore from further irritation and releasing medication directly onto the sore. The patch will fully dissolve out of the braces in a few hours or can be removed sooner by brushing.
By: Stacey Moore

Chronic Headache And Pains May Now Be Alleviated By Dentistry

Do you have headaches, migraines, or neck, shoulder or jaw pain, ringing in your ears, or clicking in the jaw? Many of us have one or more of these symptoms but we simply live with the discomfort-from mild to severe-because physicians are often unable to locate a physiological cause. Now, however, many people are finding a "neuromuscular dentist" is the solution to chronic face, neck, back and head pain. Here are the reasons why:According to LVI Global, a leading postgraduate center training neuromuscular dentists worldwide, headache and other related pain symptoms are often caused by TMD, or temporomandibular joint disorder. One of the common underlying causes of the disorder is malocclusion, otherwise known as a "bad bite." Malocclusion occurs when your upper and lower teeth do not close together in the correct way, such as in an underbite or overbite. When teeth are misaligned, they cannot provide the muscle support needed for chewing and swallowing. These facial muscles are then forced into a strained position, resulting in pain throughout the face, head, arms, shoulders and back. Although a person may have beautiful teeth or had orthodontics to line the teeth up for aesthetic reasons, the muscles and joints may not be comfortable."Neuromuscular dentists can stop a lifetime of pain," said Dr. Bill Dickerson, founder of LVI Global. Neuromuscular Treatment ExplainedIt may surprise you to know that the majority of people in North America suffer a greater or lesser degree from TMD, but it is relatively easy to correct. "First the neuromuscular dentist determines the optimal position of the jaw by measuring the relaxed position of the head and neck muscles, and then repositions the jaw to achieve those measurements," Dickerson said. Treatment options include adjusting the bite using orthotics, orthodontics, or restoring the teeth to their correct positions.
By: Stacey Moore
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